Fri, Feb 28, 2025

Laguna Seca Open Track

WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca

About this event


----------------------  ALL BRANDS OF CARS ARE WELCOME AT OUR EVENTS  -------------------------

  • Sound limit for this event is 92db
  • Each group will be scheduled for four 20 minute sessions and one 25 minute session.   Price is $295 for non GGLC members and 275 for members.  You can join the club for $25 and take the member discount immediately.  The price will increase as we get closer to the event and/or when we reach 70% capacity so I recommend you sign up early.
  • Lemons type race cars are not allowed at this event.
  • Beginner, Novice, and Intermediate Groups will have open passing on designated straights and pointbys required everywhere else.  Advanced Group will be open passing without requiring pointbys.   Pointbys are always encouraged for all groups.
  • Cancelations with full refund are allowed before February 14.
  • All brands of cars are welcome. 
  • Pre 1980 open wheel cars are allowed in the Advanced Group only.  Later model open wheeled cars are not allowed in any group.
  • Beginner drivers (zero track days previous experience) are allowed and will be required to have a GGLC approved coach in the passenger seat. Space is limited for this
  • Drivers and passengers must be at least 18 years old.
  • Drivers are allowed to share a car.

The Golden Gate Lotus Club has been running trackdays for over 20 years and we do it a little different than most other promotors.  We are a non-profit club with a goal to break-even financially on these events, and this is how we keep the price low.    All brands of cars are welcome at our events.  Typical events are about 20% Lotus and 80% other cars.    Open top cars must have a roll bar with rear braces or factory installed roll-over protection (pop-up bars or similar).  


Event requirements

  • You do not need to own a Lotus for this event.   All brands of cars are welcome.
  • Helmets must be SA2015 or later.   Motorcycle or M-rated helmets are not allowed.  We have a couple loaner helmets for first time track drivers but you must reserve in advance.
  • If you are running a 4, 5, or 6 point racing harness then you must also be wearing a HANS type neck restraint device.
  • Open top cars must have roll-over protection.   Factory installed  roll hoops, pop-up bars, etc are allowed.   Drivers of open cars must wear eye protection (sunglasses, visor or whatever).
  • Cars must have numbers on both sides, 6" tall minimum.

 This event will run rain or shine. 

You are solely responsible for the safety of your car.  We may choose to inspect cars for safety at any time and for any reason.  

You are responsible for any damage you cause to the track or facilities.  Any extra charges from the track for cleanup, fire, K-walls, damage, etc may be charged back to you and we will decide this on a case-by-case basis.



WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca

Salinas, CA
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Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap
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HPDE organized by

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Event over!